Birkes PTO


***  JOIN PTO for 2024-2025! ***

Must login to old PTO account or register as a new member in order to make your $10 donation and sign up your family. Use "forgot password" option if unable to log in. Birkes Bulldogs truly appreciate your support!



Welcome to Birkes Elementary PTO

Thank you for visiting and supporting Birkes Elementary!

The Birkes PTO and all its members are committed to supporting our Teachers, Students and Families more than ever. Your membership fees are one of the few ways this year we can collect funds to continue supporting our school. 


By donating $10 for a PTO membership, you are helping meet the school's needs that outside the scope of their budget. You also receive access to the online directory. You are not obligated to volunteer, attend meetings, or do anything else if you don't want to. However, we have plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the year if you are interested in getting more involved. 


PTO Membership is only $10 per family. Click below to register and pay. 



 JOIN PTO for 2024-2025!







Upcoming Events